Most people who have achieved success in their career will attribute that success to being willing to learn at every stage of advancement. Actions like staying late, taking extra training courses, getting more education, and volunteering for hard tasks show a willingness to learn and grow. But if you don’t have the opportunity to do any of these things in your career at the moment, one way you can still prove that you have a thirst for growth is to get specialized certifications relating to your industry. Here are three advantages that you can obtain from any of the 13 certification tracks for individuals at CfPIE.
Become an Expert in Your Field
The first, and most personal, advantage of getting a specialized certification is the expertise you gain. The more you learn about your industry, the more efficient you can be in the workplace, and the easier it will be to learn about new developments in the future when your industry grows again. Meanwhile, anyone who didn’t take the time to stay caught up with certifications will have to work even harder to understand every evolution of the career. You’ll be the go-to expert for the latest and most relevant information in your field.
Career Advancements: You Stand Out When It’s Time for Promotions
Even if you aren’t actively seeking a job, one great advantage of having special certifications is that when the company is looking to promote, or it’s time to ask for a raise, you have an advantage (and leverage with which to negotiate). You’ve taken time to grow as an employee, meaning you’re more valuable than you were to the company when you were first hired. This is a great bargaining chip to use when you want to advance you career or ask for a raise. It makes you stand out from others who are competing for the same position or the company’s limited resources.
Build Your Resume: Certifications Open Up More Options in Your Career
The last advantage of a specialized certification is the way your job skills can become more versatile and enhance your resume. Certain certifications can be applied to many different, but related, careers and industries. Taking a certification that applies to your job, but that also allows you to put a foot in the door in other industries or positions, is a great way to keep your career options open and unlimited. No more worrying about what you’d do if the company ever eliminated your position or “went in a different direction;” you and your newly-improved resume will be ready to make many moves in new directions thanks to your certifications.
Learn More at CfPIE
At CfPIE, we offer 13 certification tracks for individuals in compliance and regulation for the pharma and biotech, medical device, skin care and cosmetics industries. To learn more, browse our upcoming courses online or connect with us to keep up with all our latest news. We can help you be prepared for new opportunities, stand out when it’s time for a promotion, and keep your career skills and knowledge sharp.
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